Semester Training för Adults

Course information

Green card.

12 occasions, 1 time / week every 2h each.

3895 kr/person.

Not included, available for rent.


Course price: 3895 kr

Type: Alone, Group

Level: Advanced, Average, Beginner

Who are you: Adult

Semester training for adults!

Take the chance to learn more about technology in both rope climbing and bouldering together with a group instructor on twelve occasions.

We have groups for both beginners and more seasoned climbers. NOTE! The green card is a requirement for all groups! Also the red card for certain groups (see respective group info).

Training is a great way to keep on climbing together with others. If you have no one to climb with, then these groups are a good option. We recommend the semester training to anyone who wants to develop their climbing in a good way and receive continuous feedback from competent instructors. Exercises during each training session will be tailored to your skills and knowledge.



Nybörjarnivå – You have the green card, but have climbed less than 10 times. During training we focus on the basics of climbing to find balance when we move on the wall. You will work on the art of falling and be safe in a vertical environment.

Grundnivå: – You have climbed for about 6 months - 1 year approximately 1 day a week and climb at least 6a on rope and 5c bouldering. Here we focus on developing the basic technique that you have already acquired and taking it to the next level. We train and talk about hand and foot placement as well as practice climbing-specific movements to become more energy-efficient during our climbing.

Fortsättningsnivå: – You have previously climbed in the semester training and / or have practiced climbing for at least 2 years one to two days a week and climb 6b on rope and 6a bouldering. Here we train more advanced motion patterns such as flagging, body positioning, timing and smearing. We practice to create a greater understanding of finding resting positions on the wall and standing correctly for optimal movement. We train core stability and core activation and apply this to climbing.

Avancerad nivå: – You have previously climbed in the semester training group and climbed for about 3 years several days a week without long breaks. You climb about 7a on rope and 6c bouldering. We look at supplementary training such as climb-specific strength training and campus board as well as injury prevention. Here we also practice strategy and tempo change, breathing techniques and route reading. At this level, it may be good to also check our boulder groups to get more personalized training for you.

Note that some groups at this level have a red card requirement.


Vårtermin 2025 (Terminsstart V.9)

Under vårterminen har vi grupper följande dagar/tider:

Fortsättningsnivå: onsdagar kl 18.00-20.00

Terminen börjar V.9 och vi har uppehåll för påsklov (V.16). Terminen innehåller 12 tränarledda träningstillfällen.

För att boka eller få mer information maila till

Vill du gå en kortare teknikkurs, titta på vår kurs “Gruppträning“, också en teknikkurs men med färre tillfällen (5) där man klättrar i en mindre grupp.


Cancellation & Refund

Avanmälan måste ske 15 dagar innan kursstart för att undvika debitering. Max 12 klättrare till varje grupp (och minst 4 anmälda krävs för att gruppen ska bli av).

Vid avbokning senast 15 dagar innan kursstart, återbetalas hela kursavgiften.  Vid avbokning senare än 14 dagar innan debiteras hela beloppet. Vid sjukdom/skada krävs läkarintyg för återbetalning.

After the beginning of the course, no refund of the course fee will be made unless:

- You get injured during our training. If at least three times are missed, due to such damage, you will be refunded 6% of the course fee x number of missed occasions.

Benefits for you who join the semester training

Klättercentret offers special discounts for you who participate in semester training groups. This applies to:

  • 15% discount on climbing shoes.
  • 20% discount on harness + climbing shoes.
  • 20% off starter kit + climbing shoes.
  • 25% discount on membership cards (not direct debit).

The discounts can not be combined with other offers and are deducted from the recommended price.


If you have any questions please contact us by email Uppsala course@ or phone 018-4180814