Climb safely with us at the Climbing Center
Du knyter in dig i repet med samma knut som du knutit tusentals gånger tidigare. Du kan göra knuten med förbundna ögon och du har till och med gjort knuten i beckmörker på en långtur i Norge. Innan knuten är helt färdig avleds din uppmärksamhet av någon faller på leden bredvid. Fallet är trots sin längd och dramatik helt ofarligt och klättraren fångas upp mjukt av en skicklig säkrare. Du vänder dig om till din klätterkamrat och säger “Ok, jag kör”. Du och din klätterkamrat har klättrat i många år och ni räknas både av er själva och allmänheten som väldigt rutinerade klättrare. Klätterhallens trygga miljö framstår nästan som en lekpark i jämförelse med era klättringar i Chamonix i fjol. Din säkrare samtalar med er gemensamma kompis som ni inte träffat på flera år, men ser att du är på gång och nickar. Du börjar klättra och eftersom leden är ganska lätt kommer du snabbt upp till toppankaret 10 m upp. Du sätter dig i selen och hinner inte ens tänka på att någonting är fel innan det är för sent.
In 2009, an article published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports indicates that climbers with relatively long climbing experience to a greater extent than beginners are at risk of injury. The question you have to ask is why it is so and why, as a rocking community, we allow it to be so when a strong contributing cause of the accidents is bad.
Climbing is by nature dangerous. Taking risks must be a conscious and considered decision. The risks will come from the environment we chose to stay in, not because we are sloppy. Slarvet depends on us and our behaviors, which often happen automatically, but it is possible to change.
It is possible to teach old dogs to sit only we want and it is easier than we may think - but we must!
What can we all do for a safe climbing environment
comrade Control
Kamratkontrollen är den bästa metoden att hitta slarvfel. “Säkring klar” betyder att kamratkontrollen är genomförd. Kamratkontrollen håller dig vi liv!
We need to create a culture where we appreciate that others point out what we are doing wrong. It is out of consideration.
We must want to learn. See it as a challenge to keep up with security development. It's exciting and educational.
Hall hosts
Hall hosts are found in our climbing halls during the most popular times, ie when most people train. These people (recognized on their green shirts) have the task of performing climbing for those customers who want to take green and red cards. They are also there to ensure that the safety rules we have followed - all in order to prevent you from being involved in an accident, directly or indirectly.
The hall hosts are in place for your sake; to answer your questions about security in particular and about climbing in general.
Klättercenter initiator to: Everyone needs a KK!
In August 2010, the Climbing Center launched a national campaign for focusing on safety when climbing. It started with an article in the newspaper Bergsport. The article is what you just read above. Together with Klätterdomen, Klätterverket, Eskilstuna Klätterklubb, Solna Klätterklubb, Visby Klätterklubb, Klätterlabbet, Crux and Karbin, we are working to increase the safety awareness of climbers.
At the Climbing Center you may notice our intensified safety work through:
- New and clearer signs of safety precautions for rep climbing and bouldering.
- Hall hosts during more evenings of the week and during longer passes.
- That we set up signs on the wall with the comrade control log as a reminder to always, always implement this before each climb.