About Corona (covid-19)
For information in English, scroll down.
Uppdatering 22/12
Från och med den 23/12 vidtar Folkhälsomyndigheten flera nya åtgärder.
What does this mean for you as a customer?
Alla bör undvika miljöer med trängsel och därför återinförs maxantal för bland annat gym. Det innebär att vi behöver beräkna vårt maximala besökarantal utifrån krav på 10 kvadratmeter per person.
På Klättercentret Uppsala är maxantalet 154 personer. Undvik gärna rusningstiden mellan 17.00-20.00 på vardagar.
Folkhälsomyndigheten fortsätter trycka på vikten av att vaccinera sig och stanna hemma och testa sig vid symtom på covid-19.
Observera att det inte finns något krav på vaccinationsbevis eller Covidbevis för gym eller restauranger, något som kan komma att ändras. Vi följer fortsatt rekommendationerna från Folkhälsomyndigheten och uppdaterar informationen fortlöpande här på vår hemsida.
Membership Cards
If you have questions about your training card, contact us at uppsala@klattercentret.se or 018-418 08 14. We prefer that you email us as the staff on site need to spend time disseminating information and sanitation.
På våra grundkurser och ledkurser kommer huvudsakligen en hjälplåsande broms användas istället för manuell broms.
Keep in mind that:
- Wash your hands before and after the course
- Keep a distance from other course participants and customers
- Follow the instructions of your instructor
If you are ill or for some other reason want to cancel a booked course, contact us at uppsala@klattercentret.se.
Help us reduce the spread of infection
Continue to do what you can to reduce the spread of infection:
- Do you feel awkward, stay home and take care of yourself
- If you come here, do so at times when we have fewer visitors
- Feel free to train for a shorter time
- Keep distance
- If it is crowded on one boulder section, choose another
- Feel free to climb on every other rope
- Wash your hands thoroughly, both before and after climbing
- Avoid touching your face
- Cough and sneeze in the arm fold
- Do not split water bottles or anything else that can transfer saliva
- If possible, change your home before and after your workout
We follow the development and the information that comes from the Swedish Public Health Agency. The above applies until further notice. The information is updated regularly, major changes are shown with dates in the title form, all changes are stated in the footer.
Update 22/12
As of December 23 new recommendations from The Public Health Agency applies.
What does this mean for you as a customer?
Everyone should avoid crowded environments. Therefore the maximum number of visitors for gyms i re-introduced. This means that we need to calculate our maximum number of visitors based on requirements of 10 square meters per person.
At Klättercentret Uppsala, the maximum number is 154. If you choose to come here, please avoid the rush hour between 17.00-20.00 on weekdays.
The most important recommendations is still to get vaccinated and stay at home and take a test if you show symptoms of covid-19.
There are no requirements of Covid Certificates for gyms, this can be changed in the future. We continue to follow the recommendations from The Public Health Agency of Sweden and will update the information here.
Training Cards
If you have questions about your training card, contact us at uppsala@klattercentret.se or 018-418 08 14. We prefer that you email us as the staff on site need to spend time disseminating information and sanitation.
In our courses for the green and red card, mainly an automatically locking brake will be used instead of a manual locking brake.
What you need to think about:
- Wash your hands before and after the course
- Keep distance from other course participants and customers
- Follow the instructions of your instructor
If you are sick or for some other reason want to cancel a booked course, contact us at uppsala@klattercentret.se
Help us reduce the spread and Covid-19
Continue to do what you can to reduce the spread of infection:
- If you feel unwell, stay at home and take care of yourself
- If you come here, do so at times when we have fewer visitors
- Train for a shorter time
- Keep your distance
- If it is crowded on one boulder section, choose another
- Climb on every other rope
- Wash your hands thoroughly, before and after climbing
- Avoid touching yourself in your face
- Cough and sneeze in your upper sleeve / elbow
- Do not share water bottles or anything else that can transmit saliva
- If possible, change at home, both before and after your session
We follow the development and the information that comes from the Swedish Public Health Agency. The above applies until further notice. The information is updated regularly, major changes are shown with dates in heading form, all changes are indicated in the footer.
Updated 25 of March, information added in English.
Updated 26 of March, added guidelines from The Public Health Agency of Sweden
Updated 20 of October, new guidelines for the region of Uppsala
Updated 30th of October, change in layout
Updated 20 of November, information about route setting and courses added
Updated 23rd of November, information about public gatherings and public events
Updated 14th of December, new regulations and advice from the Public Health Agency
Updated 15th of December, more information about temporary course adaptations added
Updated 18th of December, new national measures from the Public Health Agency
Updated 23rd of December, information about maximum number of visitors added. Change in layout
Updated 11th of January (2021), information about the temporary pandemic law
Updated 15th of July (2021), maximum number removed
Updated 8 of December (2021), new guidelines and recommendations from The Public Health Agency of Sweden
Updated 23 of December (2021), new measures from The Public Health Agency of Sweden, information about maximum number of visitors added