Book your climbing course!

August 17, we will open in Uppsala! Even now you can book your climbing course, if you want to be out first.

You will find our courses in our search engine and see our schedule here on the website. Already now you can email us directly at to book your course.

We will of course open up for more courses when we have opened up, but already we want to talk about three important parts of our range!

händer i uppsala

Taster session

We have two types of Test At-courses. Partly our open Taster session, which goes on a definite part on weekends, and partly on ours Private Testing Course, which you book in contact with us in Uppsala.

A Try On Course is the easiest and best way to get a taste of climbing and at the same time learn how to proceed and climb on your own.

The basic course

For those who want to maximize the climbing experience and take the green card (authorization card to secure indoors in Sweden) is basic indoor climbing course the absolute best option.

During three occasions, you will learn everything you need to be able to climb safely, while giving you some wonderful tips and trix. The basic course runs in small groups with between 4-12 participants and is also a perfect opportunity to meet new climbing companions!

Belay test

Uppsala is one of a climbing city, but at the same time it is primarily bouldering that the city offers. Therefore, there are certainly many who already know how to climb but who have not taken a green or red card. The easiest way to get started is to book a climb, a kind of green or red card. Read more on our booking page!

Posted on: 31 July, 2018 16:28