May 18th!
Twenty at Kjuge is an outdoor event in the forest outside Kristianstad. Kjugekull consists of over 1000 problems on granite in varying degrees of clarity. During Twenty on Kjuge we have selected 20 of our smart favorites and 20 of our nicer favorites and put together a circular round for those who choose to participate.
Twenty on the jaw - the layup
During registration between 10:00 and 11:00, the participants get their circle maps, they can choose whether they want to be challenged on it tricky or trickier circle. At 11:00 am it is raffle where two crash pads from Edelrid are drawn out among the participants and then we set off towards the forest!
We will have guides that go from problem to problem at the end of the smart and the nicer circle to help you find the problems. The participants choose whether they want to follow the guides or if they want to walk the circle on their own. We recommend that groups that go by themselves have a guidebook with them to find the problems easier.
The time 16:00 We start the grill at Cafét and the clock 16:30 It is time to submit the circle maps for those who want to be part of the competition. Take it yourself with what you want to grill.
The goal is to cope with as many of the circle's problems as possible during the exposed time - something that is good much more difficult than they first seem to be!
team Competition
You can either try to solve as many problems as possible on your own and / or create a team. One team consists of 2 - 4 climbers who climb under the same team name. As a team you are competing to cope with as many of the problems in the circle as possible. The team is awarded one point per managed problem, the same problem cannot give more than one point so the total can get 20 points at the most (which means that all problems in the circle were passed by the team).
Circle card: 100 kr
Transport and circle cards: 180 SEK
We would like you to buy your circle cards in our reception before you come out to Kjugekull (this is because the internet connection is a bit uncertain out there). We will sell circular cards also out on Kjugekull for those who do not have the opportunity to sell.
For those of you who do not have cars, there is the opportunity to book transport to and from the Klättercentret. We depart from Klättercentret's parking clock 09:00 May 18th and is again at 19:00.
For those of you who book transport please kindly enter the telephone number at the reception desk so that we can reach you on the day if we need it.
Who can participate?
Everyone can participate in the event regardless of experience level. All climbers are encouraged to bring their own crash pads when the Climbing Center will not handle these.
Twenty at Kjuge is an event where the climbers are expected to take responsibility for their safety. The climbing center will not hold any introduction to outdoor climbing during the day. We encourage everyone to spit each other and use crashpads!
All climbing takes place at your own risk.