Klättercentrets uppförandekod – Vårt gemensamma ansvar

At Klättercentret, we think it is important to safeguard a work and work environment
training environment where we gain trust from employees and customers by
conduct a business that is fair and honest. We also strive for
a context in the broader perspective by working with ours
social responsibility and work for sustainable development.

Respect for people's equal value

We respect diversity and individuals' unique personalities, freedom of thought,
freedom of opinion and freedom of expression, and that we distance ourselves from all forms of
discrimination based on ethnicity, age, nationality, religion,
sexual orientation or gender.

It is important for us to also the suppliers and partners we choose
share this respect for each other. That way, we can maintain these
values throughout our organization. We are therefore looking for those behind
these commitments and which absolutely and consistently opt out among others
trafficking in human beings, exploitation of child and forced labor, and slave labor, as
protect the environment, provide safe and secure working conditions for their
employees and comply with applicable pay and labor legislation.

At the Klättercentret, we also do not deal with any form of bullying or
harassment. The definition of both can vary, but we believe it
Includes all forms of unwanted behavior against another person for the purpose
to create a threatening or unpleasant work situation for the same. Bullying
and harassment can be carried out by an employee and colleague, or by a non-employee
employee. They can express themselves in gestures, comments, touch
or images, via person or media.