Vertical Life

Starting on 31/8 - 2018, we switch from Problemator to Vertical Life as a system for logging our leader.

Vertical Life is an App to iOS and Android where you as a climber can detect the problems and lead you climbed (also called zlaga in the system). Here you can see where and when it was built, give feedback to the leaders, give suggestions, comment and much more!

For more information, read Vertical Life's website and download the app where you usually download apps!

Here's how to rate the climbing center

Replification, ie The trails at the Climbing Center are graded according to the French grading system. Grading starts from 3 and rises in severity. From grade 5 the number of the letters a, b or c is followed, and from 6 the letter can also be followed by a plus. All in order to make the grading system more profound. You will find reference to this on the wall in connection with the different joints.

Similar to the climb climber, bouldering is also graded according to the French grading system. Each problem has a card at the start where the degree of the problem is specified. The map also shows where you as a climber should start with each hand. There are two start grips, a tape piece with the same color as the graduation card at the other grip. The tape piece during the last grip means that you have both hands on the grip to cope with the problem.

Svårighetsgraderna går från 3 till 8C+ och täcks in av olika färger på gradkortet. Om det istället för en grad står “project” betyder det att problemet ännu inte har klarats och därför inte heller fått en grad.

Green: 3 - 4+
Blue: 5 - 5+
Red: 6A - 6C +
Black: 7A - 7C +
Rosa: 8A - 8C +

About Rating

Sports performance can be measured by seconds, centimeters or points, but usually through a direct match that designates a winner and a loser. Within the climb, we use a grading system that is unique and actually does not resemble any other system for measuring performance. This system refers to how difficult it is to climb something from start to finish.

Graderingssystemet är alltså till för att vägleda klättraren så att denne vet ungefär hur svår klättring som väntar. Beroende på om du som klättrare är bättre teknisk sett, uthållighetsmässigt eller kanske styrkemässigt sett, så kan samma grad verka olika svår på olika leder. När förstebestigaren eller ledbyggaren ska sätta graden finns det alltså mycket att ha i åtanke och därför stämmer inte alltid graden från början. Vidare är graderingssystemet subjektivt och kan därför variera även från ett klätterställe till ett annat.


When all people are created different, they are often such that some people have easier for certain things than others. The grading is interpreted as a proposal from the lead builder. It is useful to help you find something that suits your level ... and to challenge.