We have a packed event calendar in spring 2019!

In 2018, we saw us arranging Plastic fantastic volume 2.0, our first child & youth competition Defy gravity, one art exhibition, movies and quiz evenings, burger night, taco night, one more move and our competition series Local legends, to name a few but far from everything!

Now the year is almost over and it is time to start the spring!

Healthy night

For all of you who have New Year's resolutions to eat better and train more, the kitchen offers an extra useful menu on 18/1! Of course, you are also welcome to welcome others without New Year's resolutions!

The new room

Ni har väl inte missat att vi kommer att utöka vår klätteryta med ytterligare 300 kvadratmeter bouldering? I början av februari öppnar vi väggen och välkomnar er och två nya greppserier till vår lokal 😉

Valentine's Day

Finding the right climbing partner is not the easiest, some may look their whole life for the perfect pepper, scout and beta companion. On February 16th, we make the search a little easier for you!

Sports law camps & activities

During week 8 Then we arrange our popular school holidays camp and have extra many test-on courses and also at Sportlov's prices!

Plastic fantastic 

Vår populära totalboulder är tillbaka! Denna gång med än mer fokus på socialt häng och roliga utmaningar. Plastic fantastic har inslag av klättring, lekar och “off the wall”-klätterhäng. Ett perfekt event för alla klättrare, nya som gamla.

Local legends - cup 

We continue to organize small competitions in the spring. This time we change the format a bit and invite to a competition in cup format. Registration closes on January 20 so don't miss out on reporting. The problems lie in the degrees 5 + - 7a for the ladies and 6b-7c for the men.

Defy gravity 

Our climbing competition for children and young people!

Spring Break Camps

Thief on Kjuge

An outdoor competition! In May we take part of the Klättercentret to Kjugekull. The climbers compete for problems that are selected and exposed in a circle. Then we grill and hang out before the day is over.

And that's just what happens in spring .. wait until you see how it looks for the summer and autumn!