Climbing with kids
A climbing gym is an exciting and fun place, but it's also a dangerous place. As a parent you are responsible for your child's safety as well as your own. Det er viktig at du leser og følger reglerne nedenfor når du klatrer med barn i våre treningsstudioer.
Choose a calm hour
On weekdays 6 pm-9pm and weekends 12 pm-4pm our gyms are the most crowded. Under de fleste andre timer er det roligere, mindre folk, og derfor sikrere å klatre med barn.
Climb in our kids section
We have an awesome section just for the kids. A bit lower walls and easier climbs. And of course, lots of room to have fun. Ask our staff, they will show you the way!
Safe Bouldering
12 years or older
Du må være minst 12 år eller eldre to boulder på egen hånd.
One person at a time
Do not climb bellow each other.
Spotting and the importance of it
Twee "spot" iemand is een klimaat die betekent dat je een actieve rol inneemt, in dit geval als de volwassene. Din job er at sikre at klatreren har et rent område at falde på og at han eller hun lander på deres fødder.
One child, one adult
Every child needs one active adult in the boulder area. Hvis du bringer mer enn ett barn, kan bare en av dem klatre på en gang. The others need to wait on their turn.
Do not run
Running increases the risk of accident. Beide voor je kind en de mensen klimmen.
Do not play with the ropes
The rope should only be used for climbing, not playing.
Do not play in the gym area
The gear is only for training and can be dangerous to play with.