3 steps to follow when you visit us
Due to stricter recommendations for Covid -19, we as a company have made changes to our way of moving in the hall to maximize your safety, while also giving you the opportunity to climb. With over 1100 square meters of climbing, the new tools create an opportunity to climb while maintaining a suitable social distance in accordance with the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendations.
We will not shorten our opening hours, in order to continue to give you the maximum available time to climb on scattered times.
3 steps to safer climbing
Step 1. Check out our infographic to see the times when we usually have the most visitors. Decide when you want to climb. If your only option is to climb during a period of high pressure, consider whether you might be able to change your training time or see step 2.

Step 2. Search for "Klättercentret Malmö" on Google and check the live data flow for how to see how many are at the facility. This gives you a pretty good indication in real time of how many visitors we have. Even if according to step one it is during a time span when we normally have a lot of visitors, you have an opportunity to see that in reality there are not that many in place.

Step 3. When you come here you will see that we have divided our halls into different zones. Each zone has a sign with a recommended number of people who should be in that space at the same time.
Choose your zone.
Check the recommended number of people according to the sign.

If fewer people than the recommended number climb in the zone, go in and submit your project! If the zone is full, go and check out another area for a while.